The next wave of advanced manufacturing innovation approaches

The Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Center St. Louis is proud to be a part of the next coming wave of innovation districts and centers, appearing out of a need for collaboration hubs and the sharing of knowledge and resources throughout communities across the nation. The impact that AMICSTL will have and similar innovation districts around the world are having is incredible to witness.

AMICSTL is not alone in our mission. The Cortex Innovation Community, founded in 2002, has fostered the spirit of entrepreneurship in St. Louis for over 20 years and provided jobs in an area where chronic underemployment reigns. Side-by-side with similar partners, AMICSTL is proud to join the ranks of innovation communities taking up the mantle of community support and progress. 

The positive effects on communities and on a multitude of industries are seen and felt globally, from our friends and partners at the AMRC in Sheffield, UK to centers in Monterrey, Mexico and beyond. Read more about the development of innovation districts around the world, including our own AMICSTL:


Building on our region’s strong foundation in manufacturing and supported by federal, state, local, private sector, and philanthropic funding, AMICSTL is pioneering the future to make the St. Louis region an epicenter for advanced manufacturing. By attracting visionary manufacturers and developing a skilled, local workforce, AMICSTL is driving innovation and promoting inclusive growth for our communities.

AMICSTL will connect industry leaders with higher education and workforce development partners to cultivate a robust career pipeline that opens doors for historically underserved communities while providing manufacturers with the skilled talent they need to thrive. Companies and entrepreneurs will gain access to cutting-edge equipment, labs, and manufacturing bays. Through a network of partners, partners will gain direct access to shared expertise, problem-solving help, and peer support. AMICSTL will also be a partner with community to drive neighborhood impact.


A Table of Experts: The Future of St. Louis


Construction on North City manufacturing hub to start later, but officials say progress has been made